Meet the Expert

Al Kluis
President, Kluis Commodities
- Commodity advisor since 1976 and introducing broker with R.J. O'Brien.
- Author of the weekly commodity newsletter, "The Al Kluis Report," and also the "Your Profit" column in Successful Farming magazine.
- Expert columnist for 13 years for Corn and Soybean Digest, which featured his "Marketing Strategies" column weekly.
- Has published two books on commodities trading. His co-author on the first book, Loren Kruse, is the now-retired Editor-in-Chief of Successful Farming magazine.
- Frequently quoted in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, and a frequent market analyst for the Linder Farm Radio News Network.
- Former executive director of the Minnesota Soybean Association before entering the markets full-time. Alan's family still owns a farm in southwest Minnesota and Al enjoys helping with fieldwork when the markets allow.
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Agriculture Commodity Trading - Hedging and Risk Mitigation
President, Kluis Commodities
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Use all the risk management tools available to you.
Make decisions on your bottom line, not your trading account.
Think contrarian and position your business using long-term cycles.

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