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Jim Spitze
Chairman, SCC Sequoia
- 50-year career split 50/50 between serving as an IT executive and as an IT consultant.
- CIO for Xerox Data Systems, American President Lines, and Interim CIO for QANTAS, Lam Research, Tencor Instruments, Tri Valley Growers.
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Management of IT for Competitive Advantage
Chairman, SCC Sequoia
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Identification of an IT-based project that will deliver enduring competitive advantage should be based on deep knowledge of the company’s business, competitors and industry.
The description of a competitive advantage project should be clear, complete and compelling.
Selection of a competitive advantage project should be in keeping with a process that encourages ongoing top management support.
Successful execution of a competitive advantage project requires a team that is both cross-functional and top-tier in nature.
Successful execution of a large, high-impact IT-based project requires a widely respected project leader.
Successful execution requires an agile process focused on project success and not on a rigid, formal set of rules and steps.
Successful execution requires a team motivated by a well-balanced mix of recognition and organizational and financial rewards.

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