Expert Topic
Youth and Family Strategies for Growth
There is no other market quite as powerful and engaged as the youth and family market.
Whether youth is the core of a current business, a source of future growth, or an inspiration to bring fresh, culturally-inspired thinking to an established business, understanding what makes this audience tick is a secret weapon for many companies looking to grow.
In the business of selling, the final metric, of course, is sales. But when we can identify not only what a product does, but how it can enhance the lives of families, we have a formula for greatness.
Meet the
Julie Halpin Anderson

President, Next Step Strategic Services
New York, NY
- English
Expert Topic:
About Julie Halpin
- 30 years experience in advertising and marketing in youth and family marketing for Fortune 500 to start-ups.
- Founder and CEO of The Geppetto Group: leading youth & family agency and consulting company.
- Founder and General Manager of Saatchi & Saatchi Kid Connection - led the General Mills Youth and Family brands.
- Specialties: Brand Strategy; Business Planning; Consumer Insight; Innovation; Integrated Marketing; Advertising & Promotion.
- Industry Categories: Youth & Family; CPG (food, beverage, HBA); Retail; Entertainment (toys, media, live events); Sports (leagues, apparel); Health & Wellness.
Next Step Strategic Services, LLC.
- Founder, President of this marketing strategy company.
- Clients include: Chobani Yogurt, NuSkool, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Hasbro - Play-Doh
Chief Executive Officer
Geppetto Group, a WPP Company
- Founder and CEO of this youth & family creative agency and strategic consultancy.
- WPP plc is a British multinational advertising and public relations company (WPP also owns Grey, Burson-Marsteller, Hill & Knowlton, JWT, Ogilvy Group, TNS, Young & Rubicam).
- Geppetto clients include: Walmart, NBA, USAA, Conagra, Pepperidge Farm, Pepsico's first-ever youth brand - Tropicana Tropolis, Frito Lay - Twisted Cheetos, Samsung's K5 MP3 player
- Created Walmart’s Healthy Living Initiative strategic plan including new store-brand product concepts, success metrics, communication strategy and roll-out plan.
General Manager, Sr. Vice President
Saatchi & Saatchi
- Led the General Mills Youth & Family brands and was a founder of the agency’s specialty unit dedicated to youth marketing – the Kid Connection.
- Clients included: Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, Yoplait yogurt, Lucky Charms, Trix, Honey Nut Cheerios, Cheerios
- Led the development of General Mills’ very first consumer website – – ahead of market trends that gave the company a first-mover advantage and positive PR as an industry leader.
Media Planner
Leo Burnett
Jun, 1984
Aug, 1986
New York University
MA, Comparative Religion, 1995
Holy Cross College
BA, French, 1984
Academic Honors
Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta KappaAwards
- Atticus Award for Thought Leadership (1998)
- Ad Age Women to Watch (1998)
- Theatreworks USA - the nation’s largest producer of theatre for young audiences; Board Chair (2010-2013), Board Member (2005-Present).
Keynote Speeches
- "Reinventing New Markets, Competition and Leadership for 2020 and Beyond", CASRO Global Research Conference (San Francisco, CA, March 8, 2013)
- Northwestern Univ (Kellogg) Innovation Network, Dr. Robert C. Wolcott: Dancing with the Start-ups, "Resistance is Futile. Prepare to be Assimilated" (October 18, 2012)
- Guest Lecturer - Entrepreneurship, Business and Brand Strategy, Marketing and Advertising Best Practices; Syracuse University Newhouse School, New York University, Covenant Foundation, and College of the Holy Cross (2009 – Present).
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