Meet the Expert

Kristin Keeffe
General Counsel, VLP Law Group
- Counsel, VLP Law Group focusing on emerging growth companies.
- Head of business development for J.Thelander Consulting, which provides statistics, analysis, trends and strategic compensation consulting to established and emerging client organizations.
- 16-plus years experience advising companies and their founders, with a particular focus on pre-IPO companies, through varied transactions, including equity compensation plan adoption, complex financings, mergers and acquisitions, and initial public offerings.
- Corporate and securities attorney at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich& Rosati, working in both the Palo Alto and Seattle offices.
- Served as corporate counsel for Mozes, Inc. (acquired by HelloWorld, Inc.).
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Executive and Companywide Compensation Strategies
General Counsel, VLP Law Group
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Take the time to understand the importance of a competitive compensation structure for your organization.
Develop a compensation philosophy for your company.
As soon as practicable, set up your compensation infrastructure.
Do not wait until you are on the brink of an IPO or acquisition to design your compensation plan.
Base your compensation decisions on sound and timely data.
Ensure that your CEO is compensated (both in equity and cash) at a competitive market rate.
Update regularly.

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Executive and Companywide Compensation Strategies:
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