Meet the Expert
James Tompkins PhD
Chief Executive Officer, Board Evaluation Services, Inc.
- 14 years, internationally-recognized leader advising in board governance: board structures, policies and practices, corporate governance education seminars, expert witness/litigation support, board and committee evaluations.
- Served as the corporate governance expert witness in a major lawsuit against Enron (2008).
- Founding member and director, Board Advisory Services of Kennesaw State University’s Corporate Governance Center, the oldest governance center in the U.S.
- Clients include: Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, Georgia Board of Regents, Diebold, Inc., Chubb Insurance, and Labaton Sucharow LLP.
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Nominating and Governance Committee Processes
Chief Executive Officer, Board Evaluation Services, Inc.
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Review and update Nominating and Governance Committee charter annually and ensure the same for other committees.
Create a process to nominate directors that considers the firm's strategic direction and existing director talent and experience.
Develop a director orientation process.
Create processes for board, committee and director peer evaluations – endorsed by the board in advance.
Establish policies and processes for committee rotation, staffing and succession plans.
Establish and maintain education plan for board, committees and directors.
Ensure the appropriate level of expertise and experience on the Nominating and Governance Committee.
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Nominating and Governance Committee Processes:
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