Bruce Lincoln
- Senior Fellow at Columbia University's Institute for Tele-Information at the Graduate School of Business and former Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement (CTICE), Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.
- From 1998 through 2001, under the Clinton Administration, advised the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) on IT Policy. Nominated by Laurie Perrine, Counsel for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
- Raised more than $13 million to provide a network for a consortium of 30 schools, 20 community-based cultural organizations and for-profit technology service providers - totaling 136 community technology centers - for the NYC CTC (Citywide Training Center) Bank Project.
- Rockeller Cultural Innovation Fund (2012-2014) - Grant received for developing a Mobile Augmented Reality System (MARS) for the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute that will digitally landmark key historical and cultural events in El Barrio.
- Apple New Media Center (1994) - grant received for the development of a consortium of universities and companies innovating the use of new media technologies in education.

- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Impact Investing
Defined Terms
- Benefit corporation
A corporate form designed for for-profit entities seeking to create general public benefit – to consider society and the environment in addition to profit in their decision-making processes. Benefit corporation bylaws address concerns entrepreneurs may have about losing their social or environmental mission when raising growth capital.
- Crowdfunding
Use of social media technology to raise early-stage investment dollars from a collection of individuals who pool their money via online investment pledges.
- Hackathon
A competition or event where in a limited amount of time, such as 48 hours, diverse teams often including computer programmers work to develop a viable product or service to address a problem.
- LC3
A non-profit that flips to a for-profit in a few years when it becomes financially sustainable and achieves payback.
- Mission creep
In creative and technical processes, such as when virtual teams are working on rapid development, someone may come up with an idea that's out in left field. Strategies such as those outlined in this section's Best Practices offer ways to avoid "mission creep," when contributions fall outside the scope of what an organization is committed to developing.
- Social enterprise
- The United Nations Global Compact defines social enterprises as "micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses that aim for positive social or environmental outcomes while generating financial returns."
- Social impact investing
- The United Nations Global Compact defines it as "the placement of capital (into social enterprises and other structures) with the intent to create benefits beyond financial return."
- Telecollaboration
Technologies and software tools that enable team collaboration through personal computers, social media platforms and videoconferencing.