Thomas Klevorn PhD
- Twenty-plus years of leadership and business experience in agricultural and pharmaceutical life science businesses.
- Expertise includes: New product development from discovery to commercialization; science and technology investment options and opportunities; sales force productivity; licensing and intellectual property strategy; merger, acquisition and alliance value capture.
- Leader of research or business units for Syngenta, Pharmacia and Monsanto.
- Seven years in-country management experience in Europe and South America.

- All 8 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Turning Agricultural Life Science Innovations into Sustainable Business Results
Some of the most significant advances in science have been in fields as diverse as biochemistry, genetics, ecology, microbiology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals.
The pace of discovery in these fields continues to increase even as researchers and scientists in the agriculturally-based life sciences work to turn these discoveries into products designed to sustainably produce more – and better – food for a rapidly expanding world population.
The job of developing and commercializing these innovations is not only technically complex. It often is challenging competitively and socially and in many cases requires significant financial resources. Products must be technically sound; address pertinent social, political and regulatory issues; and realize financial success.
Products provide value to producers and consumers in many ways, including through reduced costs, enhanced profitability, increased production and improved product quality.
Agricultural life science companies must work proactively to engage with non-agricultural audiences in making sure that not only is the science involved good but that larger benefits of the science and its products are clearly understood and appreciated by these audiences