Meet the Expert

Thomas Klevorn PhD
Agricultural Life Sciences, Independent Consultant
- Twenty-plus years of leadership and business experience in agricultural and pharmaceutical life science businesses.
- Expertise includes: New product development from discovery to commercialization; science and technology investment options and opportunities; sales force productivity; licensing and intellectual property strategy; merger, acquisition and alliance value capture.
- Leader of research or business units for Syngenta, Pharmacia and Monsanto.
- Seven years in-country management experience in Europe and South America.
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Turning Agricultural Life Science Innovations into Sustainable Business Results
Agricultural Life Sciences, Independent Consultant
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Establish clear reasons for developing and commercializing a technology or product.
Identify and assemble the best team possible to develop and commercialize the technology or product, and provide the resources it needs.
Understand why a customer, any customer, would buy the product being developed and commercialized.
Have a clear understanding of how and when the commercializing firm will make money with each new technology and product.
Clearly define the product or technology, and identify elements and criteria that are critical to its performance success.
Know the competition current and future. Don’t move forward in isolation.
Prepare for challenges to new technology and product introductions. Science is only part of the issue; identify the real drivers.
Assume the future will not be static.

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Turning Agricultural Life Science Innovations into Sustainable Business Results:
Best Practices
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