Meet the Expert

Priscilla Rabb Ayres
Principal, L. Franklin Associates
- Financial services risk and compliance expert with a 360-degree stakeholder perspective based on deep experience in and with financial institutions, government bodies, vendors and industry associations
- As Chief Regulatory Officer for IBM Global Financial Services Sector, initiated and managed collaborative relationships between IBM and regulatory bodies and launched IBM's global Extensible Reporting Language program
- Appointed the first Director of the Trade and Development Agency and worked in close coordination with Ex-Im Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, World Bank, IFC, and regional MDBs such as the Asian Development Bank and the EBRD
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Bank Enterprise Risk Assessment - Optimizing Risk to Build Value
Principal, L. Franklin Associates
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Ensure that written AML and OFAC compliance programs are comprehensive and risk-based.
Design and implement an ERA that adequately measures inherent and residual compliance risk, gaps, areas of weakness and opportunity.
Address gaps and inadequacies with a remediation program that is monitored, measured and reported to the board of directors.
Document everything! If a process or control is not documented, it never happened.
Line-of-business managers own compliance processes in their areas, designating compliance officers to lead risk assessment and carry out remedial programs.
The board of directors leads a culture of compliance throughout the enterprise, is well-trained in compliance and actively involved in the program.
Ensure that BSA officer is qualified, empowered by the board, adequately funded and independent of lines of business.
Recognize risk assessment as a dynamic tool and update it as the risk profile of lines of business or the enterprise changes.
Be proactive! Stay ahead of emerging regulations, new regulatory guidance, shifts in regulatory focus, and emerging exposures.
Leverage the BSA/AML and OFAC risk assessments to support enterprise risk management and optimize business value.

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Bank Enterprise Risk Assessment - Optimizing Risk to Build Value:
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