Meet the Expert

Birgit Anderegg PhD
President, ABC&D
- 20+ years hands-on and strategic experience in EU and U.S. life science environment: managing positions in pharmaceutical companies, startup technology enterprises and academic research.
- Specializes in partnering therapeutics, biomarkers and companion diagnostics, e.g. in CNS, ENT and ophthalmology; provides strategic management consulting for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, including turn-around situations and situations that call for change management.
- Clients have included: academic labs on the verge of spinning out a service-providing or technological entity; tech transfer offices of academic research organizations; entrepreneurial start-ups; biotech companies at various R&D stages; pharma companies in temporary need of strategy assessment or with a gap in alliance management; chemical companies expanding their strategic portfolios to API for the therapeutic life science industry; patient adherence program specialists.
- Geography of clients: Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Israel, USA, Australia, New Zealand.
- Expert Reviewer to the European Commission, reviewing grant applications in Life Science/SME-relevant fields.
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Business Development and Out-Licensing for Life Sciences Companies
President, ABC&D
Target Audience
Typically, upper management at SMEs and biotech firms, including CEOs, CSOs and CFOs, those who know both the science and the business elements and may be responsible for vetting and hiring consultants as needed. In the case of a larger entity, it’s a mid- to top-management person at the business development, corporate development or project management level.
The typical SME/biotech firm is a small and lean organization. In the course of working on BD&L, almost everyone is a stakeholder, from the top management in all functional areas, to those working directly with the science, to those responsible for portfolio management, IP and out-licensing efforts, typically organized into teams. Since BD&L embodies the organization’s reason for being, almost all internal functions are ultimately oriented to that end, and all responsible parties have a role to play in the team effort.
Organizations attempting to commercialize therapeutics, diagnostics, medical devices and medical foods. They can be start-up life sciences companies; commercial spin outs of academic research efforts; and even small and medium pharmaceutical firms. In rare cases, in-licensing for larger pharmaceutical firms.
Typically, small SMEs that are often not far removed from start-up mode, some of which can be as small as one- or two-person operations. On the top end, a client can be a multi-national with 10,000 employees, one looking for interim support in BD&L.
Business Development and Out-Licensing for Life Sciences Companies:
Target Audience
Expert Topic