Meet the Expert

Lee Sands
Managing Director, Sierra Asia Partners
- 30 years of work experience in Asia in both the public and private sectors.
- Office of the United States Trade Representative, Chief U.S. trade negotiator with China and Japan from 1991 to 1997.
- Negotiated China's entry into the World Trade Organization.
- Speaks and writes both modern and classical Chinese.
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Market Entry Strategies for China
Managing Director, Sierra Asia Partners
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Consider your market entry strategy carefully, researching the market to find the right place in it for your company.
Know your partner or potential partner, avoid the “same bed, different dreams” problem, and make certain that your interests are aligned.
Understand regional differences; focus on regions in which your market strategy works best, rule of law and market order are strongest, and policy environment is most favorable.
Understand the rules of the game: the written laws and regulations of the government and the unwritten rules in the industry and region you are entering.
Protect your intellectual property and make use of the tools available to you under Chinese law.
Build a great local team, trust it, make certain your company’s interest and the team's are bound together, and treat team members as you would like to be treated.
Be aware of the most current economic reforms and how they might affect your enterprise.
If you don't speak Chinese, make smart decisions about how to compensate.

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Market Entry Strategies for China:
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