Meet the Expert
Philip Bouchard
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), TrustedPeer, Inc.
- Founder and CEO of TrustedPeer
- 30 years professional experience in Internet infrastructure services, telecommunications, business applications, and healthcare applications
- CEO, COO, and CFO for seven technology companies resulting in five acquisitions
- Director of Finance and on IPO Team for Electronic Arts
- SEAL Team 2 - BUD/S Class 99
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Company Founder - From Concept to Commercial Launch
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), TrustedPeer, Inc.
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Create a business concept by applying technology to an existing market – identify a need that has not been automated and automate it.
Do your homework including your own market research.
Present to friendly VCs for feedback, not for fundraising.
Create an advisory board and use it as your market research focus group.
Don't bring in a partner – bring in believers for a piece of the action.
Establish the culture you want to have and articulate it clearly.
Learn social media and use it.
Get a big-time law firm, not a lawyer.

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Best practices today.
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Company Founder - From Concept to Commercial Launch:
Best Practices
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