Meet the Expert
Philip Bouchard
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), TrustedPeer, Inc.
- Founder and CEO of TrustedPeer
- 30 years professional experience in Internet infrastructure services, telecommunications, business applications, and healthcare applications
- CEO, COO, and CFO for seven technology companies resulting in five acquisitions
- Director of Finance and on IPO Team for Electronic Arts
- SEAL Team 2 - BUD/S Class 99
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Company Founder - From Concept to Commercial Launch
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), TrustedPeer, Inc.
Risks & Opportunities
If the concept-to-launch phase is done poorly, the founder risks:
- Never getting to the opportunity to launch commercially.
- Losing all investor confidence as well as their money.
- Alienating current and future employees.
- Ruining his or her reputation for any future endeavors.
- Getting replaced by shareholders or the board of directors.
If the concept-to-launch phase is done well, the opportunities include:
- A brand that can span the life of the business and that resonates with the marketplace.
- A clearly differentiated offering at launch.
- Market share success at launch.
- A team and a culture that's committed to the company's vision.
- A clear plan for scaling the business.
- A PR and social media presence that resonates with users and shows the brand in the proper light.
- A solid financial footing to grow the business at the right speed and depth.
Company Founder - From Concept to Commercial Launch:
Risks & Opportunities
Expert Topic